local bar

美 [ˈloʊkl bɑːr]英 [ˈləʊkl bɑː(r)]
  • 当地酒吧
local barlocal bar
  1. So he stopped at a local bar -- a drinking place -- after leaving work .


  2. They stop first at a local bar to drink some whisky in order to be prepared for the lynching .


  3. We met in a local bar much frequented by students .


  4. The local bar has been pressed into service as a school


  5. As they left student life behind , many had a last drink at their cheap but friendly local bar , shook hands with longtime roommates , and last out of small apartments into high buildings .


  6. The next night , as planned , Amanda went out to meet David at a local bar called " McGrundy 's. " They had an excellent night together , and it was getting pretty late .


  7. They can go to the local bar every night alone .


  8. You and your friends go out to a local bar for some relaxation time .


  9. When I was doing the local bar scene .


  10. One Choice That Will Change Your Life This evening I met a friend at a local bar .


  11. Someone stole my Bible while I was at the local bar .


  12. Joe has been a bouncer at the local bar for years .


  13. You will not find Munchie at a local bar nursing a beer over lose love .


  14. Can I go down to the local bar and down a few drinks and call it a stimulus package ?


  15. He 's with them one night in a local bar when their reaction to a hot blonde grabs his attention .


  16. After the funeral , the wife went straight to the local bar and began to party as if there were no tomorrow .


  17. After a shopping expedition , my friend Gina and I stopped in a local bar for a drink .


  18. The local bar was so sure that its bartender was the strongest man around that they had a standing $ 1000 bet .


  19. With smart phone in hand , I went down to my local bar to find out what the Internet 's " next big thing " was all about .


  20. A manager of a local bar , he is very cool but on closer inspection , he hides a very sinister secret .


  21. The situation has been somewhat improved since many local bar associations have undertaken to evaluate the qualifications of candidates and to support or oppose them on this basis .


  22. Giuseppe 's father Baldassare , who runs a local bar , said he was very proud but the family was not going to get carried away .


  23. A local bar owner spotted the group from his four-wheel-drive and offered Maria and her husband a ride as her parents waded back home .


  24. Zhi said he will see a film by himself in the evening , then visit a local bar , drink beer and chat with friends until midnight .


  25. Your local bar is a good example of a decentralized ecosystem : the owner provides tables , chairs and alcohol , but the patrons fend for themselves .


  26. Therefore it is necessary to study the structure of the overall trend , but also do a good job in the local bar by the force of rational analysis to ensure that the overall structure of reliability and stability analysis .


  27. Obviously your looks won 't change drastically on the road , but depending on where you go , the same face that gets ignored in your local bar can be considered exotica .


  28. A small , remote desert town is turned upside down when two bikers from the Iron Bandits gang show up at a local bar , rough up the patrons and rob the place .


  29. Whether it 's chatting up your hostel roommate , making small talk with your seat-mate on a train or having a lively discussion at a local bar , you will be forced to improve your social skills ( especially if you 're traveling solo ) .


  30. Stopping in the little town of clayton , he stayed at a fisherman 's Motel and spent two mornings shooting the towboats and an afternoon on a tug at the invitation of a pilot he met in a local bar .
